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About Us
Core Values

Our Central Beliefs

If you ask ten people to describe the core values by which they live their lives, you’ll get ten different answers. Everyone at zyedge needs to be on the same page about the things we value corporately. It’s always a challenge to distill these things down to a few sentences, but here it goes:

The customer is the reason we’re all here.

The customer is always our #1 focus. They deserve and will get our very best efforts.

Be outstanding.

Mediocrity is available in depressingly large quantities, and we don’t want to help glut the market. We’re going to buck the trend and excel at our jobs.

Be honest.

Keeping all those lies straight is murder anyway. Just shoot straight, with yourself and everybody else.

Embrace differences.

Humans come in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds. Learn to embrace that. Our differences don’t divide us, they make us a stronger, more versatile team.

Don’t be a jerk.

You know what being a jerk looks like. Don’t do it. Being a jerk sucks for everyone.

Add value.

If you’re not bringing something to the team, what are you doing? And why would anyone pay you to do it?

Enjoy life.

Work is important. You should work hard and do great things. But then go home and hug your kids. Take a vacation; play hooky and go to a baseball game every now and then; enjoy life while it’s going on. This isn’t a dress rehearsal – this is the big show!

Giving You the Freedom to Focus on What You Do Best

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